Welcome to the Google Privacy Policy

When you use Google services, you entrust us with your information. The Privacy Policy allows you to better understand what data we collect, why we collect it and how we use it. This is very important information and we hope you will read it carefully. Remember that you can find settings to manage your information and protect your privacy and security on the My Account page.

Privacy Policy

Our services can be used in many different ways: to search and share information, to communicate with other people or to create new content. If you give us information, for example by creating a Google account, we can further improve our services to show you more relevant search results and ads, help you connect with other people or to make sharing easier and faster content with other users. In regards to your use of our services, we want to clarify how we use information and explain how you can protect your privacy.

Our Privacy Policy explains:

  • Data collected and purpose.
  • How we use this information.
  • The options we offer, including how you access and update your information.

We've tried to provide very basic explanations, but if you're unfamiliar with terms like cookies, IP addresses, pixel tags, and browsers, read up on these key terms first. Your privacy is important to Google, so whether you're a new or existing Google user, you should familiarize yourself with our practices and contact us if you have any questions.

Collected data

We collect data to provide better services to all of our users, for example to understand fundamental things like the language you speak or more complex things like which ads might be more useful to you, the people who might interest you the most user online or which YouTube videos the user might like.

We collect information in the following ways:

  • Data provided by the user. For example, many of our services require you to create a Google Account. During creation we ask for personal information such as your name, email address, phone number or credit card number to be associated with your account. If you want to take full advantage of the sharing features we offer, we may also ask you to create a publicly viewable Google profile, which may include your name and photo.
  • Data we collect from your use of our services. We collect information about the services you use and how you use them, for example when you watch a video on YouTube, visit a website that uses our advertising services, or when you view and interact with our ads and content. This information includes:
    • Device Information We collect device -specific information (such as your computer or mobile device model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, and mobile network information, including your phone number). Google may associate your device identifiers or phone number with your Google Account.
    • Log information When you use our services or view content provided by Google, we automatically collect and store certain information in server logs. This information includes:
      • Data about how our service is used, such as search queries.
      • Call log information, such as phone number, calling number, forwarding numbers, time and date of calls, duration of calls, SMS forwarding information, and types of calls.
      • Internet protocol address.
      • Device activity information such as crashes, system activity, hardware settings, browser type and language, timestamps of requests and referring URLs.
      • Cookies that could uniquely identify the user's browser or Google account.
    • Location data When you use Google services, we may collect and process information about your location. We use various technologies to establish location, including IP address, GPS and other sensors that may, for example, provide Google with information about nearby devices, Wi-Fi access points and cell towers.
    • Unique application numbers Some services have a unique application number. The number and information about the installation (for example, the type of operating system and the version number of the application) may be sent to Google when installing or uninstalling the service or when the service periodically contacts our servers, for example for automatic updates.
    • Local Storage We may collect and store information (including personal information) locally on your device using mechanisms such as browser-based web storage (including HTML 5) and application data caches.
    • Cookies and similar technologiesWe and our partners use various technologies to collect and store information when you visit a Google service, which may include the use of cookies or similar technologies to identify your browser or device. We also use these technologies to collect and store information when you interact with services we offer to our partners, such as advertising services or Google features that may appear on other sites. Our Google Analytics product makes it easier for businesses and site owners to analyze traffic to their websites and apps. When used in conjunction with our advertising services, for example those that use the DoubleClick cookie,

Information collected while you are logged in to your Google Account, as well as information about you provided by partners, may be associated with your account. Once associated with your Google Account, this information is treated as personal information. Further details on how to access, manage or delete the information associated with your Google Account are contained in the Transparency and freedom of choice section of this policy.

Methods of use of the collected data

We use the information collected from all of our services to provide, manage, protect and improve them, to develop new ones, and to protect Google and its users. We also use this information to deliver personalized content, for example to display more relevant search results and ads.

We may use the name you specify for your Google profile in all services we offer that require a Google account. We may also replace names previously associated with your Google Account to consistently represent you across our services. If other users already know your email address or other identifying information, we may show them your publicly visible Google profile information, such as your name and photo.

If the user has a Google account, the name and profile photo as well as the operations carried out on Google or on third-party applications connected to the Google account (such as +1, writing reviews and posting comments) can be viewed by Google in its own services, including displaying in ads and other commercial contexts. We will respect the choices you make to limit your sharing or visibility settings within your Google Account.

When users contact Google, Google keeps track of these communications to resolve any problems that may arise. We may use your email address to provide information about our services, for example to communicate upcoming changes or improvements.

We use data collected through cookies and other technologies, such as pixel tags, to improve user experience and the overall quality of our services. One of the products we use for this purpose on our services is Google Analytics. For example, if a user saves language preferences, we may display the services in the user's preferred language. When we show personalized ads to you, we do not associate identifiers from cookies or similar technologies with sensitive categories such as race, religion, sexual orientation or health.

Our automated systems analyze your content (including emails) in order to provide you with personally relevant product features, such as personalized search results, tailored advertising, and spam and malware detection.

We may combine personal information from one service with that of other Google services (including personal information), for example to make it easier for you to share content with people you know. Depending on your account settings, your activity on other sites and apps may be associated with your personal information for the purpose of improving Google services and ads served by Google.

We request your consent to use your information for purposes other than those set out in this Privacy Policy.

Google processes personal information on its servers in various countries around the world. We may process personal information on a server located in a country other than the one in which the user is located.

Transparency and freedom of choice

People have different approaches to their privacy. Our goal is to be clear about the data we collect so that you can make informed decisions about how to use that data. For example, users can:

  • Consult and update Google Activity Controls to determine what data to save in your account when using Google services (for example, videos watched on YouTube or searches performed in the past). you can also visit these controls page to determine whether or not to store certain activities in a cookie or similar technologies on the device when our services are used without having logged in to the account.
  • Review and control certain types of information linked to your Google Account using the Google Dashboard.
  • View and change your preferences about the ads you see on Google and across the web, such as which categories they might be interested in, using Ad Settings. Users can also visit the page to disable some Google advertising services.
  • Change how other users view the profile associated with your Google Account.
  • Control who your information is shared with through your Google Account.
  • Retrieve information associated with your Google Account from many of our services.
  • Choose whether or not to display their profile name and photo in shared recommendations that appear in ads.

You can also set your browser to block all cookies (including those associated with our services) or to indicate when a cookie is being set by us. However, it is important to keep in mind that many of our services may not function properly if cookies are deactivated. For example, language preferences may not be remembered correctly.

Information shared by the user

Many of our services allow you to share information with other users. Please note that if you share information publicly, that information may be indexed by search engines, including Google. Our services offer several options for sharing and removing content.

Access to personal data and update

When you use our services, we want you to have access to your personal information. If the information is incorrect, we will try to provide you with ways to quickly update it or delete it, unless we need to keep it for legitimate business or legal purposes.

We try to manage our services in a way that protects information from accidental or malicious destruction. For this reason, after you delete information from our services, we may not immediately delete remaining copies from our active servers, and we may not remove information from our backup systems.

Information shared by us

We do not provide personal information to companies, organizations and individuals who are not part of Google, except in the following cases:

  • With your consent

    We provide personal data to non-Google companies, organizations and individuals with your consent. We ask for your consent to opt in to sharing sensitive personal data.

  • To domain administrators

    Where your Google Account is managed by a domain administrator (for example, for G Suite users), your domain administrator and resellers who support your organization will have access to your Google Account data of the user (including email address and other data). The domain administrator could:

    • View statistics about your account, such as statistics about installed applications.
    • Change the user's account password.
    • Suspend or terminate your account.
    • Access or maintain information stored in your account.
    • Receive user account information to comply with a law or regulation, legal process, or mandatory government request.
    • Limit your ability to delete or change information or privacy settings.

    For more information, refer to the domain administrator's privacy policy.

  • For external treatments

    We provide personal information to our affiliates or other trusted companies or individuals to process it for us based on our instructions and in compliance with our Privacy Policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.

  • For legal reasons

    We disclose personal data to non-Google companies, organizations and individuals when we have a good faith belief that accessing, using, protecting or disclosing such information is reasonably necessary to:

    • Comply with applicable laws or regulations, a legal process, or a mandatory government request.
    • Enforce applicable Terms of Service, including investigations into potential violations.
    • Detect, prevent or otherwise address fraudulent activity or security or technical issues.
    • Protect the rights, property, or safety of Google, our users, or the public, as required or permitted by law.
  • Google may share non-personally identifiable information publicly and with its partners (such as publishers, advertisers or linked sites). For example, we may share information publicly to show trends in general usage of our services.

    In the event Google becomes involved in a merger, acquisition or asset transfer, it will continue to maintain the confidentiality of personal information and will notify affected users of the transfer of personal information or the application of different privacy policies.

Information security

We work to protect Google and its users from unauthorized access to the information we hold and from the unauthorized alteration, disclosure and destruction of that information. In particular:

  • We encrypt several of our services using SSL.
  • We offer users two-step verification when logging into their Google account, as well as a Safe Browsing feature in Google Chrome.
  • We review our information collection, storage and handling practices, including physical security measures, to prevent unauthorized access to systems.
  • We only allow access to personal information to Google employees, contractors and agents who need to know the information in order to process it on our behalf. These subjects must comply with strict contractual obligations regarding confidentiality and could be subject to sanctions or termination of the contract if they do not comply with these obligations.
When this Privacy Policy applies

Our privacy policies apply to all services offered by Google LLC and its affiliates, including YouTube, Google services for Android devices and services offered on other sites (such as our advertising services), except for services for which other privacy rules not included in these rules apply.

Our Privacy Policy does not apply to services offered by other companies or individuals, including products or sites that may appear in search results, sites that may contain Google services, or other sites that link from our services. Our Privacy Policy does not include the information handling practices of other companies and organizations that advertise our services and may use cookies, pixel tags and other technologies to serve and serve relevant ads.

Compliance and cooperation with regulatory authorities

We regularly check that we comply with our Privacy Policy. We also comply with various self-regulatory agreements, including the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-US Privacy Shield Framework. Where we receive formal written complaints, we will contact the people who made them. We work with relevant regulatory authorities, including local data protection authorities, to resolve any complaints regarding the transfer of personal data that cannot be resolved directly with our users.


Our Privacy Policy may be changed from time to time. We are committed not to reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without your explicit consent. We will post any changes to this Privacy Policy on this page and, if the changes are material, we will provide a more visible notification (for some services we will send an email notification of the changes made to the privacy policy). Previous versions of the Privacy Policy will be archived for your convenience.

Product specific practices

The following notices explain specific privacy practices relating to certain Google products and services that you may use:

  • Chrome and ChromeOS
  • Play Books
  • Payments
  • Fibers
  • ProjectFi
  • G Suite for Education
  • YouTube Kids
  • Google accounts managed with Family Link

For more information about some of our most used services, visit the Google Product Privacy Guide.

Other useful materials related to privacy and security

You can find other helpful privacy and security materials on Google's policies and principles pages, which include:

  • Information about our principles and technologies which includes, among other things, more information about:
    • how Google uses cookies
    • technologies we use for advertising
    • how we recognize structures such as faces
  • A page explaining what data is provided to Google when you visit websites that use our advertising, analytics and social media products.
  • The Privacy Checkup tool, which allows the user to easily consult the main privacy settings.
  • The Google Security Center, which provides information on how to stay safe online.